About Ankit Kariryaa

Hi, I am Ankit Kariryaa. I am a tenure-track assistant professor for bridging geo- and AI-sciences, embedded in both the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management and the Department of Computer Science -DIKU at the University of Copenhagen.

Research Interests

My research focuses on machine learning for earth observation (ML4EO). Earth system data is among the most unique and abundant multi-modal data, making it an ideal platform for novel machine learning research. My new position offers an opportunity to continue bringing unique and timely challenges of EO to the ML community and remarkable ML methods to the EO community. But I am happy to adorn different hats and move up or down the programming-stack to solve real-world problems.


I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Bremen, Germany in 2020. During the Ph.D., I studied the negative impacts of user-generated content and developed tools for mitigating some of these impacts. It was on reserach stay with Prof. Fabian Gieseke at the Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen that I developed my love for remote sensing. After my Ph.D., I joined the Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen as a postdoctoral researcher and have been continuing my research on remote sensing.

I did my Master’s in Bielefeld University, Germany in Intelligent Systems and during Master’s, I attended two semesters in University of Helsinki, Finland on an Erasmus exchange program. My Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Harmirpur, India.

Free time

I am a big fan of Indian classical music and I love to listen to it. I also like to read books and watch movies. I enjoy most racket sports, but I am only reasonably good (within the bounds of my free time) at some of them. I also enjoy playing board games and card games. Drop me a line if you want to play a game!